SPAM is becoming such a big problem and I don't see any comprehensive industry-wide solution emerging anytime soon... there's a lot of talk but very little action...
I know there are a few solutions in the works but why are they taking so long?
I know there is SPF (Sender Policy Framework)+Microsoft's Email-Caller-ID. AOL has already started implementing it... Yahoo! has proposed their own solution... but I see no great rush from the industry for any solution... everyone is waiting for others to move... and hence no one is moving...
In the mean time I'm getting almost 95% junk mails on my [email protected] address. I have everything possible to keep the SPAM to minimum but the current implementation of email has fundamental limitations because of which anyone with internet connection can send me a mail and my mail server has no way of knowing if the mail it is receiving is really coming from the sender it says it is coming from or from an imposter?
Also there is the other issue of insecure email traffic... SMTP works in plain text.
Let's hope 2005 will be the year when the tech companies will decide on one (or more) standards and start the roll-out....
How much SPAM do you get daily?